The Alabama EnFoRcErS
Team Schedule


Chi-Town Heros | Pics from MPP(10/13/02) | Team History | Team Schedule | Player Info. | Players Weapon of Choice | Roster | Sponsor's | Vengence has fell upon you.... | Allied Forces | More pics from 24hr war. | Illinois | Pics from MPP Tourny(9/15/02)

Here you will see the events and tournaments that we will be entering.

Here are the next few tournaments that the EnFoRcErS will be in. They will all be at Paintball Planet in Gaylesville, Alabama. Cost will be 120/per team/per tourn. BYOP or FP.
Captains meeting at 10am and games will start at 11am.

3-Man Series Tournament
July 20th
Aug. 17th
Sept. 21st

We hope to do good in the tournaments that we enter in.