The Alabama EnFoRcErS
Team History


Chi-Town Heros | Pics from MPP(10/13/02) | Team History | Team Schedule | Player Info. | Players Weapon of Choice | Roster | Sponsor's | Vengence has fell upon you.... | Allied Forces | More pics from 24hr war. | Illinois | Pics from MPP Tourny(9/15/02)

Here will tell you the info. about when our team got started and how many tournaments we enter and stuff like that.

Started:September 7,2001

Formed By:Casey Lee Blankenship (Flight)

Sept 15th-6th place(1st ever tournament)(3man)
Oct 13th-4th in the division(23 teams were there)(3man) (2nd tournament ever)
Nov 17th-4th(3man tourn.@Paintball Planet) (3rd tourn.ever)

Goals:To get better as a team so that we can enter some tournaments,and make whoever sponsor's us more known throught out the world.

Scenario:Casey Blankenship and Nathan Reynolds went to the scenario "Fast Walker" at Bearclaw in Tenn. They were both on the winning team. It was very fun and something every paintball player needs to go to. I had the most fun ever. Maybe we will be in a mag. that will have our pic. I was on the team of Allied Forces in this scenario. I think we did great. It was held on March 23rd and 24th from noon to noon.

More to be added.